Network for Neotropical Biogeography

Scientific interactions across disciplines and taxa


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C. Hoorn, Wesselingh, F. P., H. Steege, ter, Bermudez, M. A., Mora, A., Sevink, J., Sanmartín, I., Sanchez-Meseguer, A., Anderson, C. L., Figueiredo, J. P., Jaramillo, C., Riff, D., Negri, F. R., Hooghiemstra, H., Lundberg, J., Stadler, T., Särkinen, T., and Antonelli, A., Origins of biodiversity response, Science, vol. 331, pp. 399-400, 2011.
C. Hoorn, Wesselingh, F. P., H. Steege, T., Bermudez, M. A., Mora, A., Sevink, J., Sanmartín, I., Sanchez-Meseguer, A., Anderson, C. L., Figueiredo, J. P., Jaramillo, C., Riff, D., Negri, F. R., Hooghiemstra, H., Lundberg, J., Stadler, T., Särkinen, T., and Antonelli, A., Origins of Biodiversity–Response, Science, vol. 331, pp. 399-400, 2011.
C. Hoorn, Wesselingh, F. P., H. Steege, ter, Bermudez, M. A., Mora, A., Sevink, J., Sanmartín, I., Sanchez-Meseguer, A., Anderson, C. L., Figueiredo, J. P., Jaramillo, C., Riff, D., Negri, F. R., Hooghiemstra, H., Lundberg, J., Stadler, T., Särkinen, T., and Antonelli, A., Amazonia Through Time: Andean Uplift, Climate Change, Landscape Evolution, and Biodiversity, Science, vol. 330, pp. 927-931, 2010.
C. Hoorn, Wesselingh, F. P., H. Steege, ter, Bermudez, M. A., Mora, A., Sevink, J., Sanmartín, I., Sanchez-Meseguer, A., Anderson, C. L., Figueiredo, J. P., Jaramillo, C., Riff, D., Negri, F. R., Hooghiemstra, H., Lundberg, J., Stadler, T., Särkinen, T., and Antonelli, A., Amazonia through time: Andean uplift, climate change, landscape evolution, and biodiversity, Science, vol. 330, pp. 927-931, 2010.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith